National Biodiversity
Policy and Strategies

UK wide policy and developments

National Developments

2024: Biodiversity Net Gain becomes mandatory for both major and minor developments (see below for more information).

2023: The Environmental Improvement Plan is publish by the Government. This document represents the first review of the 25 Year Environment Plan - where the 25 Year Environment Plan set out the framework and vision, this document sets out the plan to deliver.

2021: The Environment Act was passed by Parliament. It provides the Government with powers to set new binding targets, including for air quality, water, biodiversity, and waste reduction. These should be ambitious, meaningful and informed by experts.

2020: The Environment Bill was being considered by a Public Bill Committee but due to COVID19 the sittings of the Committee were suspended

2019: The updated State of Nature report was published – this presents an overview of how the country’s wildlife is faring, looking back over nearly 50 years of information from many data providers to identify overall change in abundance and distribution for a range of species across the UK.  

2018: 25-year-environment-plan launched by Defra. This plan sets out government action to help the natural world regain and retain good health. It aims to deliver cleaner air and water in our cities and rural landscapes, protect threatened species and provide richer wildlife habitats.

2017: Latest UK Biodiversity Indicators Published. This is an update to the report on UK progress towards meeting the biodiversity goals and targets ‘the Aichi targets’ agreed in 2010. Visit the State of Nature in Oxfordshire 2017 for local insights.

Biodiversity Policies

In England, Biodiversity Net Gain is now mandatory under Schedule 7A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as inserted by Schedule 14 of the Environment Act 2021). Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is a way of creating and improving natural habitats. BNG makes sure development has a measurably positive impact (‘net gain’) on biodiversity, compared to what was there before development.  In current legislation, Developers must deliver a BNG of 10% for both major and minor developments.

The National Planning Policy  Framework (NPPF) was published on 27 March 2012. It replaced all the previous Planning Policy Statements, including PPS5, as well as various other planning guidance. The NPPF must be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans, and is a material consideration in planning decisions. Planning policies and decisions must reflect and where appropriate promote relevant EU obligations and statutory.

Biodiversity Strategies

The most recent England biodiversity strategy Conservation 21: Natural England’s conservation strategy for the 21st century was published on 14th October 2016. This strategy sets out Natural England’s thinking about what needs to be done differently and how we need to work with others, to better deliver the ambition for England to be a great place to live, with a healthy natural environment on land and at sea that benefits people and the economy. It post-dates ‘Biodiversity2020: A strategy for England’s wildlife and ecosystem services’ published on 19 August 2011, and ‘Working with the grain of nature‘ published in October 2002.The new strategy builds on the Natural Environment White Paper for England – ‘The Natural Choice’, which was published on 7 June 2011, and provides a picture of how England is implementing its international and EU commitments. It sets out the strategic direction for biodiversity policy for the next decade on land and at sea, and builds on the successful work that has gone before.

Its mission is to halt overall biodiversity loss, support healthy well-functioning ecosystems, and establish coherent ecological networks, with more and better places for nature for the benefit of wildlife and people.

The England Biodiversity Group oversees the development and delivery of the England Biodiversity Strategy, and is chaired by Defra. Although differing in details and approach, the four UK countries have published strategies which promote the same principles and address the same global targets: joining-up our approach to biodiversity across sectors; and identifying, valuing and protecting our ‘Natural Capital’ to protect national well-being now and in the future.

Strategic Goals

A: Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society.   This goal includes targets for public awareness, integrating biodiversity values, improving incentives and sustainable production and use.

B: Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use. This goal includes targets on habitat loss, sustainable fisheries and land use, pollution, invasive alien species, and ecosystems particularly vulnerable to climate change.

C: To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity. This goal includes targets for protected areas, and for conservation of wild and domesticated species.

D: Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystems. This goal includes targets for maintaining and restoring ecosystem services, and for benefit- sharing.

E: Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building.  This goal includes targets for national strategies, participation of indigenous and local communities, improving knowledge, technologies, and mobilisation of financial resources.

Water Framework Directive

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) came into force in December 2000 and became part of UK law in December 2003. It provides an opportunity to plan and deliver a better water environment, focussing on ecology. Successful implementation of the WFD will help protect all elements of the water cycle. It provides an opportunity to plan and deliver a better water environment through river basin management planning, and help protect and enhance the quality of surface freshwater (including lakes, streams and rivers), groundwaters, groundwater dependant ecosystems, estuaries and coastal waters out to one mile from low-water. It looks at the ecological health of surface water bodies (good status being defined as a slight variation from undisturbed natural conditions), as well as achieving traditional chemical standards. In particular it will help deal with diffuse pollution which remains a big issue following improvements to most point source discharges. The Rivers in Oxfordshire have a low to moderate risk of general diffuse pollution, but the risk from nitrate is high. Virtually the whole of the county has been designated as a nitrate vulnerable zone (an area of land that is at risk of pollution from nitrates).

The Environment Agency is the lead authority in England for:

Improvements on inland and coastal waters through better land management

Protecting inland and coastal waters from diffuse pollution in urban and rural areas

Driving wiser, sustainable use of water as a natural resource

Creating better habitat for wildlife that lives in and around water

Creating a better quality of life for everyone

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