
Explore groups and organisations across the County - these are listed alphabetically.

We are lucky in Oxfordshire to have a wonderful group of hard-working, passionate, and knowledgeable individuals employed by a variety of organisations (charities, local government, DEFRA bodies, protected landscapes, businesses, farmers, landowners), in addition to numerous volunteer community groups and individuals, all contributing towards nature’s recovery.

Our Directory allows you to search and explore groups and organisations across the County so that you can get the support you need to take action for nature, or join one of the groups or organisations and help them.

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21st Century Thame

Abbey Fishponds (Abingdon)

Abingdon Green Gym

Abingdon Naturalists Society

Adderbury Lakes LNR

Anne Carpmael CT (Withymead Nature Reserve)

Ashmolean Natural History Society of Oxfordshire

Aston Rowant NNR Volunteer Group

Aston Tirrold and Upthorpe Environment Group

Aston's Eyot (Friends Of)


Banbury Ornithological Society

Barracks Lane Community Garden Project

Barton Fields Green Team (Abingdon)

Benson area Nature Group

Bicester Green Gym

Bird Aid

Breach Wood Community Woodland

Brightwell cum Sotwell Environment Group

Burford Environmental Action Group (BEAGles)

Butterfly Conservation (Upper Thames)

CPRE (Oxon) - The Countryside Charity

Campaign for the Farmed Environment

Caring for God's Acre

Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

Centre for Sustainable Health Care

Cherwell District Council

Chiltern Woodland Project

Chilterns Conservation Board

Chipping Norton Green Gym

Combe Mill

Community First Oxfordshire

Cothill NNR

Cotswolds Conservation Board

Council for Learning Outside the Classroom

Country Landowners Association (CLA)

Countryside Classroom (ex-Growing Schools)

Cumnor Conservation Group

Cuttlebrook Nature Reserve

Daeda's Wood (Friends of)

Earth Trust


Eco Minds

Eco Schools

Environment Agency - West Thames

Environmental Change Institute

Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network ESKTN (Oxford University)

Ewelme Watercress Beds (Friends of)

FAI Farms

Farm Ability

Forestry Commission

Freshwater Habitats Trust

Friends of Betjemin Park

Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust

Great Western Community Forest

Greening Chinnor

Hagbourne Environment Group

Harcourt Aboretum

Harpes Road Environment Group

Henley Wildlife Group

Hill End Education Centre

Hill End Oxfordshire Forest School Training

Hinksey Heights Fen

Holton Orchard Committee

Holywell Cemetery (Friends of)

Horspath PC and Volunteers

Hurst Water Meadow Trust

Island Pond Wood (Friends of)

Kingham Community Woodland

Kingwood Common Conservation Volunteers

Kirtlington Wildlife and Conservation Society

LEAF Education (Linking Environment And Farming)

Langford Community Orchard

Leafield Community Woodland

Learning through Landscapes

Let Nature Feed Your Senses

Letcombe Brook Project

Low Carbon Hub

Lower Windrush Valley Project

Lye Valley (Friends of)

Mersey Forest

Merton Community Woodland

Milham Ford Nature Park (Friends of)

NHS Forest

National Farmers Union

National Forest School Association

National Trails

National Trust

Natural England

Natural England (Oxon and Bucks)

Natural Health Sevice (Merseyside)

Natural History Museum (Oxford)

Nettlebed and District Commons Conservators

North Hinksey PC (Louie Memorial Field)

North Leigh Common Volunteers

North Wessex Downs AONB

Oddington Environment Group

Open Spaces Society


Outdoor Classroom

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