
Biodiversity refers the great variety of life: the plants and animals that live in the air, on the land, and in wetlands, rivers and seas. Conserving biodiversity is key to achieving sustainable development and intimately connected to environmental issues such as climate change, pollution and disposal of waste.

Oxfordshire's Biodiversity

Oxfordshire has a diverse geology crossed by eight river systems creating a gentle yet complex landscape. It supports a wide variety of habitats, from fragrant chalk grasslands scented with wild to thyme to beech woodlands filled with bluebells; from pockets of damp reedy fen and acid grassland to marshy meadows full of birds. It is home to many rare and threatened plants and animals and has a high proportion of locally, nationally and internationally important sites; 38 Conservation Target Areas (CTAs), 7 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) 111 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and 472 Local Wildlife Sites.

Wild Oxfordshire provides a co-ordinated and strategic approach to conservation in Oxfordshire through the following initiatives:

Image: rare chalk stream habitat

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